All voices matter
The inaugural edition of Amunyelet cup has been officially unveiled in a colourful ceremony that took place in Ngora district, Teso sub region in the eastern part of Uganda. Amunyelet cup is an exciting football tournament whose name originates from a name given to a traditional African ball made out of local disposed materials such as banana, maize or groundnut leaves or polythene bags locally called kaveera hooved previously with sisal ropes. It’s a tournament played by clans.
The tournament was launched with the major purpose of providing a platform under which members from same clan constituted into a football team can have opportunity to display their talents. It should be noted that most of the tournaments have conditions that have cut off some of the talented individuals that play in the local primary schools around our community that amunyelet through their clans shall help to shine while answering the unity call in addition to celebrating the true meaning of the African local sport.
Unlike Ateker cup that has been earmarked to return in the third edition with strict guidelines on age cap, Amunyelet cup is an open tournament for all those from the age of 18 to 60years with the exception of those below the age of 18 who will only be allowed to play after presenting a consent letter from their parents or guardians.
The Ceremony was graced by various individuals from different political realms with the representative from National council of sports Cecilia Anyakoit being the chief guest. While addressing the sports lovers, Olupot Isaac who was the host of the first edition of Amunyelet games hailed North Eastern Region Football association leadership under John Odongo for promoting the spirit of growing local sport through supporting new initiatives that providing more platforms that give chance to football to be played.
He further added that the choice for Ngora to pilot the first edition of Amunyelet cup was inspired by the coincidence that Ngora in the same month had chosen to celebrate local tourism through the Ngora Nesi Ore Initiative something that the organising committee felt was a good merger after being approved by Cecilia Anyakoit who is the brain behind this beautiful idea.
32 Teams across Teso Expressed interest in participating in Amunyelet cup but only 8 were cleared to participate as per the plan of the organisers whose target was to have only 8teams participate in the two-day action parked clan tournament in which irarak-iderin clan of Agirigiroi were crowned champions after edging out irarak-ogoria of Odwarat in a penality shoot out that ended 5-3.
The winners of Amunyelet cup SHALL play the winners of Ateker cup in the opening game of Ateker cup next edition in a date to be released by the head of Technical Director Ateker cup at the start of next month. This opener shall be the community shield of the region
Amunyelet cup is an item from the Amunyelet games, a competition in different local games meant to be rolled out before the end of 2024.
The spokesperson of Amunyelet cup Brian Oumo while speaking to Ateker sports promised revellers across Teso sub-region an exciting experience like no other…