She cranes squad to take on England in the Vitality nations cup out.

The Uganda National Team She cranes heads for the Vitality nations cup a few days after walking out with bragging rights in the Wales test series where they emerged as overall winner in a three game back to back highly contested championship.

The Ugandan girls who of recent have gained much love and support from fans across the whole world due to their continuous good performance will be back in action taking on England in the Vitality nations cup, a prestigious tournament that has attracted the world’s best 3(England (3rd) hosting Australia (1st), and New Zealand (2nd).

The Ugandan squad that will be taking on the Vitality roses in the Wembley OVO Arena include the following;

Achola lilian

Adunia Florence

Baagala Margret

Cholhok Mary Nuba

Eyaru Irene

Haniisha Muhameed Nakaate

Kadondi Falidah

Nakiyunga Sarah

Nambirige Sandra

Namulumba Christine

Nakitto Christine

Nassanga Shadia.

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